Different types of Hajj in Islam with clear explanation

Hajj is the sacred journey of a pilgrim to the holy land of Makkah. It occupies an important space in the possessions of a Muslim. It is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is obligatory for every Muslim who is physically fit and financially able to carry it out during his lifetime. It is a holy pilgrimage to Makkah that must be performed once in a lifetime. In this blog post, we will discuss different types of Hajj in Islam with clear explanation.

Different types of Hajj in Islam with clear explanation

There are three types of Hajj. Each has its own rules and unique practices. All these types are known to give you an idea about how to choose the one appropriate for your situation. This information regarding Hajj enriches the first-timer on his spiritual pilgrimage or on the quest to learn more about Islam.

Learn about Hajj al-Ifrad, Qiran, and Tamattu in Islam with clear explanations. Contact us now to learn more about this.

What is Hajj?

In Islam, Hajj is the pilgrimage to the holy city of Makkah, Saudi Arabia. Every Muslim who is physically, financially, and mentally capable must perform Hajj at least once in their lifetime. It is one of the most important pillars of Islam. Muslims perform Hajj in the month of Dhu al-Hijjah. This pilgrimage comprises several sacred rituals that purify souls, seek forgiveness, and build faith. The main rituals of Hajj include:

  • Ihram
  • Tawaf
  • Sa'i
  • Staying at Arafat
  • Ramy al-Jamarat

Types of Hajj

There are three main types of Hajj which are based on the different aspects or essential rites of these types. Each type of Hajj is valid. Depending on the circumstances of the person and their preference, one can choose from the three types of Hajj. Hajj al-Tamattu is now the most applied type for pilgrims. These are:

  • Hajj al-Ifrad
  • Hajj al-Qiran
  • Hajj al-Tamattu

Hajj al-Ifrad (Solo Hajj)

Hajj al-Ifrad is one of the three types of Hajj in Islam. It is performed only during the rituals of Hajj without performing Umrah. Hajj al-Ifrad is the simplest type of Hajj. Here is the detailed information on Hajj al-Ifrad (Only Hajj):

Aspect Explanation
Meaning Hajj al-Ifrad means performing only Hajj without Umrah.
Who performs it Usually chosen by people living near Makkah or those who prefer to do only Hajj.
Ihram Pilgrims enter the state of Ihram with the intention (niyyah) of performing Hajj only.
Clothing in ihram Men wear two white unstitched clothes, and women wear modest clothing covering the body.
Prohibited acts While in Ihram, pilgrims must avoid fighting, using perfume, harming others, or cutting their hair.
Main rituals Tawaf, Sa’i, standing at Arafat, Muzdalifah, and stoning the Jamarat.
Animal sacrifice Not required in Hajj al-Ifrad.
Tawaf and Sa’i Pilgrims walk around the Kaaba seven times (Tawaf) between Safa and Marwah.
Arafat Pilgrims spend the 9th of Dhu al-Hijjah at Arafat, praying and seeking Allah’s forgiveness.
Muzdalifah After Arafat, pilgrims collect pebbles and stay overnight at Muzdalifah.
Stoning jamarat Throw seven stones at the pillars representing Satan in Mina.
Shaving hair Men shave their heads, and women trim a small portion of their hair.
Farewell tawaf Before leaving Makkah, pilgrims perform the farewell Tawaf.

Hajj al-Qiran (Combined Hajj and Umrah)

Hajj al-Qiran is one of the three forms of Hajj. In this type of Hajj, the pilgrim would have to perform Hajj and Umrah together in one trip. It would be required to complete the rituals without breaking the state of Ihram. Here is the detailed information:

Aspect Explanation
Meaning Hajj al-Qiran means performing Hajj and Umrah together without a break in Ihram.
Who performs it Usually chosen by those who have limited time and want to combine Hajj and Umrah in one trip.
Ihram Pilgrims enter Ihram with the intention (niyyah) for both Hajj and Umrah.
Clothing in ihram Men wear two white, unstitched clothes, and women wear modest clothing covering the body.
Prohibited acts While in Ihram, pilgrims must avoid fighting, using perfume, harming others, or cutting their hair.
Main rituals Tawaf, Sa’i, standing at Arafat, Muzdalifah, and stoning the Jamarat.
Animal sacrifice Offering an animal sacrifice (Hadiyya) is mandatory for Hajj al-Qiran.

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Hajj al-Tamattu (Relaxed Hajj)

Hajj al-Tamattu allows pilgrims to perform Umrah first and then perform Hajj later in the same trip, with a break in between. This Hajj is called "Relaxed Hajj" because is a clear explanation regarding this:

Aspect Explanation
Meaning Hajj al-Tamattu means performing Umrah first, taking a break, and then performing Hajj.
Who performs It is the most common type of Hajj, especially for pilgrims coming from faraway places.
Ihram Pilgrims enter Ihram twice: once for Umrah and again for Hajj after the break.
Clothing in ihram Men wear two white, unstitched clothes, and women wear modest clothing covering their bodies.
Prohibited acts While in Ihram, pilgrims must avoid perfume, cutting hair, harming others, or arguing.
Main rituals Tawaf, Sa’i, standing at Arafat, Muzdalifah, and stoning the Jamarat.
Animal sacrifice An animal sacrifice (Hadiyya) is mandatory for Hajj al-Tamattu.

Comparison of the different types of Hajj

There are three types of Hajj in Islam. Each differs in the rituals and times after the requirements. Here is a well-defined comparison work to understand all these types:

Feature Hajj al-Ifrad Hajj al-Qiran Hajj al-Tamattu
Ihram One Ihram for Hajj only. One Ihram for Hajj and Umrah. Separate Ihram for Umrah and Hajj.
Umrah Not included. Performed before Hajj. Performed before Hajj.
Sacrifice Not required. Required. Required.
Taking off Ihram After Hajj completion. After Hajj completion. After Umrah, then re-enter Ihram for Hajj.

Which type of Hajj is best?

Best type of Hajj

The definition of the "best" type of Hajj solely depends upon the individual time intentions, and advice of the scholars regarding it:

  • Local pilgrims or those within Miqat would find Hajj al-Ifrad to be most fit.
  • Hajj al-Qiran is for those Hajjis wanting to gain maximum rewards by combining both Hajj and Umrah.
  • Hajj al-Tamattu is best suited for foreign pilgrims due to its flexibility and ease.

Islamic scholars also differ in their opinions. For example, Imam Abu Hanifa prefers Hajj al-Qiran. On the other hand, Imam Shafi considers Hajj al-Ifrad superior for its simplicity.

Final remark

Hajj is a sacred journey within which Muslims are drawn into the path of Allah. There are three Hajj types in Islam: Hajj Tamattu, Hajj Qiran, and Hajj Ifrad. By knowing these types, a pilgrim will be able to plan a journey considering his or her situation and testified preference. During Hajj every act of pilgrimage is an opportunity to purify the soul and strengthen the faith.

At Hijaz Hajj & Umrah Limited, we are here to transform your dreams into reality. We make your Hajj trip worry-free and enjoyable. We provide experienced guides, Shariah consultants and well-organized packages to make your whole spiritual journey smooth and fruitful. Call us now to learn more about our services.

Frequently asked questions

Hajj al-Tamattu is mainly meant to be the easiest and most flexible form of Hajj. It provides a break between Umrah and Hajj for those who go outside Miqat.

Yes, it involves doing both Hajj and Umrah without leaving Ihram until the two have been fulfilled.

Ihram - the sacred state entered into by the pilgrim before performing Hajj or Umrah, which prescribed the use of specific garments. It prohibits the cutting of hair, the use of perfume, and the indulgence of marital relationships.

Tawaf Al-Qudum (Arrival Tawaf) is performed upon reaching Makkah: It is obligatory for Hajj al-Ifrad and Hajj al-Qiran. It is not performed for Hajj al-Tamattu.

Yes, pilgrims can choose the form of Hajj according to their circumstances and location, as well as their preferences. The type, however, might also depend on the Islamic rulings of scholars.

Hajj itself stands as an expression of total submission to Allah. Whether it's direct or indirect, the essence is fulfilling a divine mission, seeking forgiveness, and renewing commitments in spirituality.

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