When Hajj becomes obligatory for a Muslim

Hajj is one of the obligatory and unique acts of worship in Islam. Performing Hajj requires both physical and financial contributions. Just as it involves physical hardship like prayer, it also requires spending money like Zakat. This is the only obligatory act of worship that combines financial and physical sacrifice.

Allah has made Hajj obligatory upon those who are capable of both. The definition of capacity is those who have this amount of resources, which is in addition to their daily needs If this amount of wealth covers the expenses of Hajj and supporting themselves and their families. Another important condition is that such a person must be a healthy, independent, intelligent adult Muslim; then it will be obligatory for him or her.

When Hajj becomes obligatory

In today's blog, we will discuss in-detail conditions for the Hajj to be obligatory, who is not obligatory upon him, and the consequences if anyone neglects to perform the Hajj, Insha Allah.

The importance and evidence of Hajj in Islam

Hajj is a sacred pilgrimage that carries immense spiritual, social, and religious significance for Muslims worldwide. Allah Almighty has made Hajj obligatory once in a lifetime for able Muslims as a symbol of unity, sacrifice, and devotion to Allah. To understand the importance of Hajj, we need to know the evidence from the Quran and Hadith. We all know that the obligation of Hajj is firmly established in the Quran and Sunnah, highlighting its important role in the faith and life of a Muslim. In this blog, we will explore the importance of Hajj and the clear evidence of its obligation in Islam.

Quranic evidence on Hajj:
‘‘And complete the Hajj and the Umrah for Allah.’’ (Surah Al-Baqarah: 196)
“And it is (a duty) upon mankind towards Allah (to come) to the home on pilgrimage, for whoever is able to make a way to it. And (as for) him who has disbelieved, then surely Allah is ever-affluent." (Surah Al-Imran: 97)
The evidence of Hajj in the hadeeth:

Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported:

Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) addressed us and said, O people, Allah has made Hajj obligatory for you; so perform Hajj. Thereupon a person said, Messenger of Allah, (is it to be performed) every year? He (the Holy Prophet) kept quiet, and he repeated (these words) thrice, whereupon Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: If I were to say" Yes," it would become obligatory (for you to perform it every year) and you would not be able to do it. Then he said: Leave me with what I have left to you, for those who were before you were destroyed because of excessive questioning, and their opposition to their apostles. So when I command you to do anything, do it as much as it lies in your power and when I forbid you to do anything, then abandon it. (Sahih Muslim 1337, Book- 15, Hadith- 461)
Quranic evidence on Hajj
It was narrated from the same narrator that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked, "Which deed is the best?” He said, "Believing in Allah and His Messenger.” It was asked, "What is next?” He said, "Striving in the cause of Allah." He was asked again, "What then?" He said, "The accepted (or pure) Hajj." (Bukhari 26, Muslim 258)

Conditions that make Hajj obligatory

Hajj is an obligatory ritual for Muslims who can fulfill the specific terms and conditions. Here we will discuss the basic conditions that make Hajj obligatory. Explore now:

Adulthood (Baligh)

One of the major conditions of Hajj is that you must be an adult. While children may accompany adults and perform Hajj, it will not count toward their obligatory duty.


For the Hajj to be compulsory, a person must be of sound mind. Those who are mentally unwell or incapable of understanding their responsibilities are exempt.

Financial ability (Istita'ah)

Financial capability is a major condition for Hajj. When a Muslim acquires the capability to cover the following terms and conditions, then Hajj will be obligatory for him/her:

  • Hajj expenses
  • Family support
  • Debts paid
Physical ability

Hajj is a physically demanding ritual. Physical fitness is another key factor for Hajj. One pilgrim has to perform some challenging physical activities, which include extensive walking, running, and standing in harsh weather. Those who are unable due to illness or old age may appoint someone to perform Hajj on their behalf (Hajj-e-Badal).

Safe journey

Hajj becomes obligatory when the path to Makkah is safe and free from significant risks. If there is a threat of war, natural disasters, or danger, the obligation is delayed until conditions improve.

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Who is exempt from performing Hajj?

Hajj is a mandatory act of worship for Muslims who meet specific criteria. However, Islam provides exemptions for individuals who are unable to fulfill this obligation due to valid reasons. Here are the key categories of people who are exempt from performing Hajj:

  • Non-Muslims
  • Those who lack financial means
  • Individuals in debt
  • Physically incapable
  • Mentally incapacitated individuals
  • Women without a mahram (Guardian)

When Hajj Is delayed despite eligibility

If a Muslim fulfills all the criteria for Hajj but delays performing Hajj without a valid reason, they are accountable to Allah. Most of the scholars emphasize the importance of performing Hajj at the earliest time possible. Without any valid reasons, delaying the Hajj is highly discouraged. No one knows when we will die; life is unpredictable. It has a great chance of missing the Hajj; this is concerning for Muslims. When we become eligible for Hajj, we should perform as early as possible.

Start your pilgrimage journey with Hijaz Hajj & Umrah Limited

Dear Muslim brother and sister, already we have learned that Hajj is an obligatory ritual for a Muslim who is capable physically, economically, and mentally. If you are eligible for Hajj, I would suggest you perform Hajj this year. Don't delay; take expert Hajj guidance with our expert guide. At Hijaz Hajj & Umrah Limited, we provide economy, premium, and customized Hajj packages for Bangladesh pilgrims.

Common questions

No, Generally, Hajj is not obligatory for children. However, if a child performs Hajj with his parents, it will be valid, but they must perform it again after reaching adulthood, fulfilling the conditions of Hajj.

Hajj becomes obligatory for Muslims when they fulfill the following conditions:

  • Practicing Muslims.
  • Sound mind.
  • Adulthood.
  • Physically and Financially capable.

Yes, a physically ill person who is unable to endure the journey or perform the rituals is exempt from Hajj.

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