Our business associate members: Your spiritual partners in Bangladesh

At Hijaz Hajj & Umrah Kafela, our Umrah associates in Bangladesh are well-versed in the intricacies of Umrah arrangements and Islamic practices, making them invaluable guides throughout your journey.

MamunurRashid began his education with conventional schooling and then moved to Islamic schooling which he successfully completed in 2001, securing 1st Class in Dakhil and Alim Examination...

Md. Abdul Motaleb Patowary began his education with conventional schooling and then moved to Islamic schooling which he successfully completed in 2009, securing 14th position in Dakhil and ...

Mohammad Hamid Hossain Azad began his education with conventional schooling and then moved to Islamic schooling which he successfully completed in 1997, securing 1st class in Dakhil and 2nd class in ...

Tareque Bin Atique began his education with Islamic schooling from Al Jameatul Falahia, Feni and he successfully completed Dakhil and Alim Examination held on subsequently in 1999 & 2001 under Bangla...

Total: 54

Apply for an Umrah visa and experience the hassle-free journey to the city of Makkah.
